Технический паспорт насосов CH 406 - CH 412 на Английском языке
HOMA CH 406 and CH 412 are submersible drainage pumps. They are used for pumping drainage water which is polluted with alkaline or acid chemicals. With the advantage of thick wall casting and viton seals, they are the ideal solution to pump mediums with pH-value between 5-14. They are suitable for laundries, car washes, food industries and many other applications. DIN EN 12050-2: Conformity and design approved and controlled by LGA, certificate No. 0220119.
Installation: Transportable or permanent. Models with float switch control for automatic pump operation, depending on medium level in the sump.
Pumped medium: Clear water and drainage water, pH-value 5-14. Max. medium temperature: 35°C, short term up to 60°C.
Operation: Intermittent.
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